Alumnae Bulletin

Divine Company
Dante’s Divine Comedy is something of a literary ultra-marathon. It’s a race former Bryn Mawr President Nancy Vickers has run upward of 25 times.

Crowd Source
Did you have a favorite dining hall sweet treat when you were a student?

A Cultural Tour of East Harlem
Tapestry Talks features a recap of this spring's Unity Trip to New York City.

Special Sauce
Mawrter Made features Kiki Aranita, M.A. ’11, co-founder of Poi Dog sauces

Mawrters Through and Through
Dozens of alumnae/i are working at Bryn Mawr, running social media accounts, editing the website, teaching, and working with prospective students

International Forum
Global Learning and Education at Bryn Mawr and Beyond

Bryn Mawr and the Bard
Since the 1980s, Mawrters from across the country have convened for an annual September trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) in Ashland, Ore. Organizer Pam Perrott ’62 and longtime attendee Julia Kossack ’84 share what makes the experience so special.

Generations: A Chance Meeting Down Under
Archaeology alums become coworkers at the University of Sydney

Career Corner: Don't Work Without a Net(work)
Networking tips from Christina Burton, associate director of Alumnae/i Career Services.

News from the Association
The candidates for the Alumnae Association Executive Board (AAEB) and the Board of Trustees.