Alumnae Bulletin

The Way to Waymo
Reaping the benefits of Bryn Mawr and Caltech to find a place in tech

A Celebration of Two Storied Careers
Sociology professors Mary Osirim and Robert Washington were honored for their contributions to the College.

In Fashion
Suzanne Rae Pelaez founded her eponymous women’s ready-to-wear clothing line out of her home in Brooklyn.

Candidates for the AAEB
The following alumnae/i are up for election to the Alumnae Association Executive Board.

From Bryn Mawr to Broadway
In "Ohio State Murders," Abigail Stephenson ’16 found a role that resonated and the fulfillment of a dream.

The Colleague Connection
Dounya Ramadan ’22 might never have heard of Bryn Mawr if not for her mom’s co-worker Lizzy Lee ’14. Here the two tell how a road trip to the Main Line set Ramadan on an unexpected path.

Celebrating our First
A conversation with the daughter of Bryn Mawr’s first Latina undergraduate, Carmen Piza.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Gorbachev
How Gorbachev’s glasnost opened up new worlds for one intrepid Mawrter.